Our company is devoted to research. At Chemtest we believe that research is the basis for growth and the key to develop and provide solutions of the highest value.
Our premise is to develop, adapt, and apply our scientific knowledge to solutions that make life simpler in the healthcare sector, generating significant benefits for the company, industries, and society in general.
Using next-generation nanotechnology and biotechnology, we focus our research on the following areas.
We are leaders in the development of high-precision tests for the diagnosis of viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections that have great impact on public health.
Applying our technological platforms, we develop tests that are easy to use, fast, and highly reliable.
View productsOur division of animal health research leads the development of solutions focused on various animal species. Our daily work provides health professionals with tools to make diagnoses in a simple and highly accurate way.
View productsOur products based on isothermal amplification followed by lateral flow detection incorporate our exclusive GenCap technology, that detects nucleic acids maximizing sensitivity and specificity. With the incorporation of this technology Chemtest produces high precision diagnostics of different infectious agents.
Using our innovative technology platform GlycoEng, we design recombinant glycoproteins to create diagnostic tests with maximum sensitivity and specificity. Applying this exclusive technology, Chemtest produces highly accurate tests for diagnosing bacterial infections.
Our capture ELISA kits incorporate the innovative platform NanoCap, based on the use of nanobodies to make diagnostic tests with maximum sensitivity and specificity, reducing the usual interferences in this type of testing. With this technology Chemtest produces highly accurate capture ELISA kits.
Using our exclusive purification system Pure-R, Chemtest produces highly purified homogenous antigens that are used to develop tests with a superior diagnostic performance, minimizing cross-reactivity, and providing highly accurate results.
At Chemtest we use innocuous, biodegradable, and recyclable materials.